Marcy Tripp Graham, painter
Marcy Tripp Graham
Been working on paintings of West Cork cottage windows. Also the Francestown Village Store prior to renovation.
Marcy paints in Francestown, New Hampshire and the Monadnock Region. She is a member and also shows at Maryland Federation of Art in Annapolis.
Marcy Tripp Graham paints with acrylics using a pallet limited to primary colors, warm and cool. She pushes the colors, bringing vitality to her landscapes and still lifes. She loves to cook and paints ingredients in recipes like ratatouille. Her tree-scapes are inspired by the woods and mountains around her New Hampshire barn which is her summer studio. In Port Republic, MD she will paint the ACLT trails and the Bay. She has shown in juried shows in New Hampshire and California and has had several one woman shows in Pasadena, California. Her work is in private collections across the country and occasionally show up on TV sets.
Her prior life included Pawprints Greeting Cards, where she was Publisher and Art Director.
Breton cabbages